Monday, October 22, 2007

Safe At Home

We are all back safe and sound.

Stephen landed in GR at 6:10 Friday evening after a week in Wisconsin, so Kira and I picked him up and we drove up to Traverse City. After arriving later than we wanted to (due to construction, rain, and poor navigational tips from the back seat), we settled into our room at the Great Wolf Lodge just as everything was shutting down. Which was fine, because we were all so tired.

Saturday morning, we all woke up around 7, and got ready to start a fun-filled day. We played in the water park, watched a movie, ordered pizza, played in the water some more, ate at La Senorita (yum!!!) and played at the arcade. Then, it was time for bed again. Sunday, we spent more time in the water park, then hit the arcade one more time. We blew a lot of money, and won a lot of tickets. Fortunately, I hit the jackpot with one of my last tokens, and we cleared enough for Kira to walk away with a new Razor kick scooter. Yea!! She was so excited this morning to ride it to school!

So, that was our exciting weekend!


karen said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend!

Kath said...

You didn't even mention being sick, so it must not have hampered you too much. Kira's scooter is cool!