Thursday, October 4, 2007

October Musings

Anyone who has ever been shopping with me knows that I like to try on hats, but I've never bought one. I always talk myself out of it because I don't wear hats. But I'm thinking I don't wear hats because I've never bought one. So, I'm thinking maybe it's time to start actually wearing hats, because, let's face it, I look really cute in them. Especially when they are green leather and found at the Coach outlet store.

Speaking of outlet stores, I visited the Oneida store, and learned that our silverware pattern is discontinued! Very sad. Now I will never get my iced tea spoons, casserole spoon, or additional steak knives. Just think of how few glasses of chocolate milk I'll be able to make because I don't have my iced tea spoons. Although, I did learn that has some of the Rushmore pattern items in stock. Has anyone ever ordered from there to be happy with their service?

Almost every day, after walking Kira to school, I keep walking around our neighborhood for another 40 minutes to get some exercise. It has really helped my energy level and motivation. But today, as I was walking in the very brisk air, I wondered how I will keep that up during the winter. Then I remembered that a Wii version of DDR is due to be released some time this month, which has me very excited! I can exercise indoors doing something really fun!

I'm also getting very excited about heading up to Traverse City in two weeks! Stephen will be in Wisconsin the week of his birthday, so we are doing a weekend trip when he gets back to celebrate his birthday, our anniversary, and my birthday. Kira's looking forward to the water park, Stephen's looking forward to the arcade, and I'm looking forward to eating at La Senorita, Red Lobster, and Panorama Pizza. And Jersey is looking forward to staying at PetSmart's PetsHotel, where he'll get to play with other dogs and get treats. And Kath is looking forward to not being on Jersey duty. I think it will be a fun weekend!


Anonymous said...

Just testing to see if I can post without using my Blogger account.

And I am really looking forward to being off Jersey duty.

Beccy said...

and buying me a hat?

Kath said...

I am not buying you a hat! You don't wear hats.

Anonymous said...

If you need a hat, I have plenty of hats you can have. Of course most of them say IR on them somewhere. And the real special ones are camoflauge. Come over anytime and pick one up.