Saturday, October 13, 2007

When No is the Right Answer

Just yesterday, I was posting about feeling bad about not making myself available to a church and family member in need. Now I know why saying "no" was the right decision.

Most of you know this already, but we had to rush Kira to the ER this morning when she woke up with difficulty breathing. I still don't know all the details, because Stephen carried her in while I quickly parked. During the 90 seconds I was apart from her, six doctors, nurses, and techs came and hooked her up to oxygen and monitors. When I walked in the room, her blood oxygen level was only in the 70's.

She arrived at 6:50 am and had already received a steroid treatment by 7:15, so they worked fast on her. Since the steroid works over 24 hours, we have been in wait-and-see mode all day. They did check her oxygen levels after 3 hours and determined her stats were improving, but not as well as they would have liked to see. So, an ambulance took her to the Children's Hospital downtown where they could respond more quickly if the treatment failed. She has been doing great all afternoon, but will need to stay until the 24 hours have passed to make sure the steroids got her through the worst of it. I just got home at 9:00 pm. Stephen is able to stay with her tonight, and I will head back at 6:00 tomorrow morning to be there when she wakes up.

A big "thank you!" to everyone who has been praying for Kira and us today! Sorry if this post is incoherent, but I hope you understand.

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