Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Is There an Annie Phillips in Our Family?

Stephen laughs at me for it, but part of my daily routine is to check the weather and read Dear Abby. I don't know why I read it, unless it's to get a glimpse of just how screwed up people are. Other times, like a few weeks ago, it really gives me a good laugh.

Several weeks ago, a letter was printed from a woman complaining of being addressed as "ma'am", a term she believes is derogatory because she thinks it's a derivative of "mammy," and another way of keeping women in their place. I about fell out of my chair laughing when I read this. Today's column included letters from other readers who pointed out the true origin of the term (short for madame, French for my lady) and the cultural significance it still carries today.

The last letter was from Annie Phillips, but I am convinced that her name is an alias for Kathleen Herford. Her response? "A word of advice to [the woman] who thought she knew what "ma'am" meant. A dictionary is a fine tool to consult before putting your opinions in writing for the world to see. On the other hand, failing to do so certainly makes for amusing reading." So, Kath, are you going to 'fess up?

1 comment:

Kath said...

If I were to make up an alias, would it really be Annie Phillips? I think that's Dear Abby's alias.