Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother's Day Tribute

Mom was asked to line up 3 generations to give toasts/tributes at the Mother-Daughter banquet at her church, so she enlisted help from Kira and me. The coordinator gave Mom a packet of "really nice" poems that we could look through to pick something to read. We decided to write our own, although I don't know how I thought I could top "Happy Pother's Day." We were also asked to keep the toasts somewhat generic and impersonal so everyone in the room could relate to it. I broke the rules and wrote my own very personal tribute to a definitely not generic mom.

Here it is...

I don’t remember very much about my early childhood. I remember I was happy and not overly concerned about life. I don’t remember very many specific things that you did to make my life safe and happy. But I have since learned to appreciate that maybe, just maybe, your extraordinary love defined our family so much, that I came to see it as a given. It was just part of who you were, and continue to be.
It was there when you took me into your bedroom and helped me pray for Jesus to accept me as His child. It was there when you worked only school hours to be home for us. It was there when you had no-bake cookies and hot chocolate waiting on cold days. It was there when our VBS ride forgot to pick us up and you walked us down to Baskin Robbins and bought us ribbon barrettes, earning you the title of coolest mom to an 8 year old ever!
Your extraordinary love was there when you taught me that it’s better to spend money on people and relational experiences than things. It was there when you let me curl up on your bed and act like your little girl even when I was a teenager. It was there when you hugged me so tight to keep me close, and when you let me go to be myself.
Your love has stayed with me as I’ve grown and has grown to encompass my husband and my daughter. When I pray with her, when I make her cookies, when I curl up Japanese-style with her, and when I let her make her own choices, I’m reminded again of the wonderful mother I have in you.
Thank you for your extraordinary love, always.

Mom forgave me for breaking the rules...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Beccy,
Thanks again. It was a wonderful evening, and you and Kira were a huge part of why it was so wonderful!
Sure do love you, and I am so proud of you, Kira, and Stephen.
I pray constantly that God will pour out His richest blessings on you. Like you wrote, where else would one turn? OK, maybe that's a paraphrase, AND it sounds pretty Scriptural, too, but I remember what you wrote about crawling under the bedcovers and God is there...
Much, much love and Hugs!
(incorrect grammar alert!!!)