Thursday, August 14, 2008

Men vs. Women

The other day I told Stephen, "I love you" and he answered, "I love you more." I agreed with him that that was probably true. Don't get me wrong, I love him more than I can measure, so this is not an indication that my affection is waning (far from it!!) But I do think that while women tend to fall in love more easily (and more often), men fall much harder.

Those of you who are married, would you agree? You may vote in the poll and add your comments here.


Kath said...

While men may be more capable of loving more, that only holds true when there is an object. Women love longer when hope is gone :)

Beccy said...

Great allusion to Anne Elliot!

Ken said...

i don't know that polls and stereotypes work with love. they do provide generalized fuzziness, for sure, but is this how i (or you) wants to feel about your own particular situation? :-)

i can only say that in my specific circumstance, karen loves me and i love her. some days i love her more than she loves me, and other days it's just the opposite.

you say "women tend to fall in love more easily (and more often)," but that is not true with me and karen. until i met her, i tended to fall in love more easily (and often) than karen.

however, when you said "men fall much harder," i disagreed. we fell equally hard for each other.

now i'm curious... is there statistical evidence that supports your assertion that men fall much harder, or that women fall in love more easily (and often) than men?

and by the way... i remember when you and stephen first connected... seems to me that YOU may have been the one who fell harder... ;-)

Beccy said...

I don't have statistical evidence, just general observations. And maybe observed behavior isn't a good measure of actual love levels (is there a good measure?) But that is why I wanted friends and family to comment, to test whether my conclusions were (mostly) true.

In our circle of friends and acquaintances, I've noticed that the women are more likely to make derogatory comments about their husbands (nothing extreme, usually good-natured ribbing). It doesn't mean their marriage is in trouble, but men seem much more concerned about protecting their wife's image, and honoring her in public. And there is not a single man I know that knows how much his wife weighs. They look confused when she goes on about needing to lose 10-20 pounds.

And in case anyone is concerned, we don't really think of loving each other as a contest.