Friday, February 15, 2008

I Suppose I Should Write Something...

I know, it's been way too long since I've updated my blog. As most of you know, I have had other pressing things on my mind...

I am in school 2 days a week, 4:00-5:15 (can you THINK of a worse schedule for me?), but it is my last class, so that at least motivates me. It's going well, I think. It is helping me view my ministry through different eyes, and helping me clarify what God has called me to do, so I suppose it is worth $2,000.

I am also supposedly working at the church 3 days a week 9-3, but that's flexible. Which is good, considering all the nasty weather we've been having. Forest Hills and Lowell schools have already had 6 snow days and 3 delays, which pretty much tell me to work from home instead of venturing out. Last Wednesday, the storm kind of took me by surprise. It took 55 minutes to get home, instead of the usual 25. Fortunately, church was canceled that evening, the 2nd of 3 times we've canceled services.

Well, that seems to be all my tired, scatter-brained mind is letting me write. But at least it's something!


karen said...

good to hear from you. you had been quiet a little too long. marcus is so jealous of all the snow days in michigan. we have only had one and they have to make it up!

Beccy said...

Well, we had ANOTHER church cancellation this morning. We found this out AFTER driving through flooded ice covered streets. We did at least make it home safely. I don't think we have to make it up, though.