Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fit For A King

Last week at the chiropractor, I mentioned that I have not been sleeping well lately. Obviously, pregnancy is causing some of the sleep disturbance, but I never had this much trouble with Kira. So, he's asking about stress, sleep position, eating habits, etc, then finally asks how old our bed is. Duh! We bought it when we got married 14 years ago, and most mattresses last 8-10 years. So, we are now under doctor's orders to get a new bed!

But of course, we don't do things halfway. We don't want to just replace the mattress. We've wanted a King-sized bed for a long time, but didn't have the space in Jackson. But, we do here! So, we get to go buy a King mattress today, and new bedding, and maybe even new bedroom furniture! And hopefully soon, I won't have time to post on here because I'll be too busy sleeping!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It really was broken!

Every time I go to the doctor, I dread getting on the scale. For some reason, it's always 3-4 pounds higher than mine at home. I always joke that their scale is broken, because that's much easier to believe than I'm fatter than I should be.

So, for my first prenatal visit, I weighed myself at home, just so I wouldn't freak too much at the doctor's. I get there and step on the scale; it was 12 lbs higher than my measurement! I told them, "your scale is broken", and they said, "yeah, everyone says that" and wrote the big number in my chart.

I went back yesterday, stepped on the scale, and it was off 2 pounds. I said, "You fixed the scale!" She answered, "yeah, it was really messed up, but we got it recalibrated." But, they didn't fix my chart, so it looks like I lost 7 lbs in 10 days (yes, if you do the math, I GAINED 3 lbs - eek!) I guess it's good my starting weight was overstated, so my weight gain will seem reasonable. Still, I do wish they would have taken me seriously...

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Poetry Corner

Haiku is stupid
Forcing rhythm so oddly
Hence my revulsion

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It's your right, and your duty.

Besides, it's such a gorgeous day, you can walk or bike to the polling place, and get triple benefit.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Walmart. Save Money. Not the Earth

Walmart prides itself on being a company that is committed to helping keep our planet safe and healthy. Google "Walmart environmentally friendly", and you'll get 527,000 results. Their website is filled with green living tips, links to green products, and news about Walmarts efforts to reduce waste and energy usage. It looks good on the website, but how does it translate in real-life shopping at an actual WalMart store? Consider this - my last three trips to Walmart, I took my own shopping bags with me. EVERY time, the cashier reached over my bags for my items and proceeded to use the store's plastic bags. Even after I pointed out my own bags and asked him to please use them, he looked confused and continued to bag as before. When I then rebagged my items, he scooped up the plastic bags and threw them in the trash.

I am asking those of you who wish to make a difference, however small, to take a stand against companies that openly flout "green" practices.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Deep breath in... savor that new car smell. Exhale. Repeat.
This is Stephen's new car. It's a 2009 Nissan Murano, and seats 5 adults. We traded in my 1997 Dodge Stratus, I will get his Impala, and he is the lucky one who gets to drive this beauty every day.
Unfortunately, he's in Chicago for a few days, so it fell to me to sign all the paperwork and pick it up from the dealer. I've had to break it in for him. Poor me :-)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Lessening My Footprint...

... by taking a few more.

Several things conspired to make today's activity possible. I woke up feeling lethargic, and thinking I needed to get back into my habit of walking each day. Before I said anything, Kira asked if I could please take a walk with her today. So, off to a great start!

But, after a week's vacation, we were low on groceries. I quickly made up a menu and shopping list, and realized I only had 18 items on my list. So, we grabbed a few canvas bags, our softside cooler bag, and walked 6 blocks to the grocery store. We both got some exercise, I only shopped from my list (impulse shopping is curbed when you know you have to carry everything 6 blocks home!), and helped protect the environment a little tiny bit!

Yea! But I still feel lethargic.