Friday, March 7, 2008

Health Update

First, thank you all so much for prayers, phone calls, and flowers. Your support has meant so much!

Following the D&C last Thursday, I actually felt okay physically. I was tired, but not really sore. The pain kicked in on Sunday, and kept getting worse. The doctor confirmed yesterday that I have a uterine infection. Fortunately, she didn't see any indication of damage, so antibiotics should take care of everything. I'll go back in a week to make sure everything is healed up the way it's supposed to be, and discuss future options with the doctor. More on this later...

Emotionally, we are amazed at how God has worked this last week. After pretty much withdrawing from life for a few days, we spent all day Sunday together as a family, saw a movie (Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, the BEST movie we could've seen), and took a family photo. We started easing back into our routines Monday. Although we've had a few rough patches, usually in the middle of the night, we are starting to heal. We know this is not over, and we will probably have more relapses, but for now we are thankful for the peace that we do have.

As part of the grieving process, we named our baby Daisy Victoria. It has helped give a sense of reality and closure to our loss.


karen said...

beautiful family picture. I think that Daisy Victoria is a wonderful name.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing such personal insight and feeling. I love this family photo; I see pain and I see determination to hope and trust in God.
Much love,