I am writing this from Pennsylvania, otherwise referred to as The Blog Black Hole by my sister. Apparently, with my siblings congregated at my brother's house in PA, none of us has found the time to post new material to our blogs. Somehow, this is considered unacceptable, irregardless of the fact that we are actually interacting face-to-face and creating special holiday memories.
Some highlights of our visit out here (day 2 of 5):
Driving out of Michigan took longer than driving through Ohio; great time for family conversation in the car, but seriously????
Staying up way too late to watch way too cheesy movies, and then debating the cinematic qualities of "Walking Tall", "Hairspray", and "Transformers."
Watching 13 month old Audrey take her first steps! Pretty cool!
Retelling our family history, trying to make sense out of the fact that we all get more like our dad every year. Why? (Dad, you're pretty cool and smart most of the time, but it's your quirks we are noticing in ourselves. Again, why?)
So, this post is dedicated to my sister Kathleen, who I am currently ignoring in the other room because I am in here posting.
Happy Thanksgiving!