Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Walmart. Save Money. Not the Earth

Walmart prides itself on being a company that is committed to helping keep our planet safe and healthy. Google "Walmart environmentally friendly", and you'll get 527,000 results. Their website is filled with green living tips, links to green products, and news about Walmarts efforts to reduce waste and energy usage. It looks good on the website, but how does it translate in real-life shopping at an actual WalMart store? Consider this - my last three trips to Walmart, I took my own shopping bags with me. EVERY time, the cashier reached over my bags for my items and proceeded to use the store's plastic bags. Even after I pointed out my own bags and asked him to please use them, he looked confused and continued to bag as before. When I then rebagged my items, he scooped up the plastic bags and threw them in the trash.

I am asking those of you who wish to make a difference, however small, to take a stand against companies that openly flout "green" practices.